How Does a Home Energy Management System Work?

Home energy management · Nov 4, 2023

The key task of a home energy management system is to integrate solar generation with battery storage and then make that energy available 24/7. When discussing batteries for energy storage, the two key processes of charging and discharging should be understood. Combining the processes allows solar production and battery storage to act together in a residential energy system, optimizing energy usage and ensuring a consistent power supply.

Franklin Home Power


When solar panels generate more electricity than the immediate demand, the surplus energy is directed to the battery. The battery converts the electrical energy into chemical energy and stores it for later use. This charging process occurs when sunlight is abundant.


When energy demand exceeds the current solar production or during periods of low sunlight, the battery comes into play. The stored chemical energy is converted back into electrical energy through the discharge process. This released energy is utilized to power the home, providing a continuous and reliable energy supply, even when solar panels are not actively generating electricity.

Franklin Home Power

Integrating Solar Systems and Battery Storage

Solar panels generate direct current (DC) power. Homes use alternating current (AC). In order to integrate solar power generation into homes, energy management systems must convert between DC and AC power. Inverters and converters play an essential role in that integration.

Together, inverters and converters facilitate the efficient and safe operation of solar energy systems by adapting the characteristics of the electricity generated by solar panels to meet the needs of household appliances and the electrical grid.


Function: Inverters convert DC electricity produced by solar panels into AC, which is the standard form of electricity used in homes and on the grid.

Role: Solar panels generate DC electricity, but most household appliances and the electrical grid operate on AC. Inverters transform the DC power from solar panels into AC power that can be used to power lights, appliances, and other devices in a home.


Function: Converters are devices that can modify the voltage or current of electricity. In the context of solar energy systems, they can step up or down the voltage as needed.

Role: Converters match the voltage requirements of different components within the solar energy system. For example, they may be employed to adjust the voltage before it enters the inverter for the DC to AC conversion. This helps optimize the entire system's performance and ensures that each component receives the appropriate electrical specifications.

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The Integration Process

The whole process of electricity generation and storage of solar battery systems goes like this:

1.  Solar panels generate DC electricity: Solar panels produce direct current (DC) electricity when exposed to sunlight.

2.  Incoming DC electricity is sent to converters: The DC electricity generated by solar panels may pass through converters. Converters adjust the voltage levels to meet the specific requirements of different components in the system.

3.  Converted DC electricity to inverters: The adjusted DC electricity then moves to inverters. Inverters change DC electricity into alternating current (AC), the standard form used in homes.

4.  AC electricity for home use: The converted AC electricity is now ready to power household appliances and devices.

5.  Excess electricity to solar batteries: Electricity generated that is not immediately used, it can be directed to solar batteries for storage.

6.  Discharging stored energy: When energy demand exceeds current solar production or during low sunlight periods, the solar batteries discharge stored energy.

7.  AC electricity available for continuous power: The discharged energy goes through the inverter to change it back into AC electricity. This energy is then used to ensure a continuous and reliable power supply, even when solar panels are not actively generating electricity.

In summary, converters optimize voltage levels, while inverters facilitate the conversion between DC and AC electricity, ensuring a seamless and efficient operation of the residential solar energy system.

Franklin Home Power

Grid-Tie vs. Off-Grid Home Energy Management System

Grid-tie systems are an attractive option for households that are already connected to the utility grid, as they enable homeowners to consume their own energy while supplementing it with energy from the grid. These systems are typically less expensive to install and maintain, while also providing households with a reliable source of energy.

Off-grid systems, on the other hand, are ideal for households that are located away from the electricity grid or in remote locations. These systems are self-sufficient and generate their own electricity, allowing households to become independent from the grid and significantly reduce their energy costs. Off-grid systems also offer greater flexibility in terms of design, as households can customize their system to meet their specific needs.

Grid-Tie System

Grid-tie systems are a type of renewable energy system that connects directly to the electrical grid. This system allows the homeowner to control energy drawn from the grid, using it during low-demand, low-cost periods. It also allows for the generated electricity from renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind, to be fed directly into the grid, where regulations allow it to be used to offset the energy being used by the home or business.

In urban and suburban areas, grid-tie systems are typically used to reduce the household’s electricity bills and to move towards a more sustainable lifestyle while still accessing utility power as necessary.

Solar systems without battery storage must shut down when there is a grid outage, as there are regulations to protect line workers by preventing energy from being fed back to the grid while workers are recovering power. A home energy management system with battery storage acts as an interface, separating solar production from that grid. That means the PV system can keep working during outages by storing energy in batteries, further improving the efficiency of solar installations.

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Off-Grid System

Off-grid systems are a great option for those looking to achieve energy independence. Off-grid systems use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, as well as liquid fuel generators, to generate electricity without relying on the traditional electric grid. This means that users are not reliant on the grid for their electricity needs, allowing them to generate, store, and use their own energy.

Off-grid systems can also be much more cost-effective than traditional grid systems, as they require less maintenance. Furthermore, off-grid systems can be implemented in remote areas where traditional grid electricity may not be available. With off-grid systems, users can enjoy energy independence and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Many renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, can function independently of the grid. This means they can be used to generate electricity, and any surplus energy can be stored for future use. This is typically done using batteries or fuel cells, which allow excess energy to be stored for later use. This stored energy can then be used to power homes and businesses.

Homeowners wanting to be completely off-grid also can add generators to their home generation mix. That provides even more security for periods when solar isn’t producing sufficient energy. A modern home energy management system integrates solar, generators, and batteries for a truly robust solution.

The need for careful energy management during low solar days is essential due to the lack of grid backup. To ensure sufficient energy is available, it is important to prioritize energy use, monitor energy consumption, and plan for times of low solar production. Utilizing energy storage systems such as batteries can help to conserve energy during low solar days. With a smart application to monitor and manage home energy conveniently, the off-grid battery system is of higher value.

Franklin Home Power