Understanding Southern California Edison (SCE) Time of Use Rates in 2024

Industry insights ยท Apr 3, 2024

Southern California Edison (SCE) is revolutionizing how its energy consumption is billed, through its innovative Time-of-Use (TOU) rates.

TOU rates are designed to reflect the fluctuating electricity costs throughout the day, encouraging consumers to adjust their usage patterns to align with periods of lower demand and cheaper energy generation.

This introduction will provide an overview of SCE TOU rates and explore their significance compared to traditional flat-rate billing models.

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What are SCE Time-Of-Use (TOU) Rates?

SCE TOU rates represent a departure from traditional billing methods by introducing dynamic pricing based on the time of day.

Under TOU rates, prices vary depending on when electricity is consumed, with rates typically divided into peak, off-peak, and shoulder periods.

Peak hours, when energy demand is highest, incur higher rates, while off-peak hours, characterized by lower demand, offer cheaper electricity.

The primary purpose of SCE TOU rates is to incentivize customers to shift their energy usage away from peak periods, thereby reducing strain on the grid and promoting more efficient energy consumption practices.

Unlike traditional flat-rate billing, where consumers pay a fixed price per unit of electricity regardless of when it is used, TOU rates offer a more nuanced approach to pricing. Flat-rate billing fails to account for the varying costs associated with generating electricity at different times of the day, resulting in inefficiencies and higher overall costs.

In contrast, TOU rates encourage consumers to adapt their behavior by providing financial incentives to consume electricity during off-peak hours, when it is cheaper to produce.

By aligning energy usage with periods of lower demand, customers can potentially lower their electricity bills while also contributing to a more stable and sustainable energy grid.

utility grid

How Do SCE TOU Rates Work?

SCE TOU rates operate by dividing the day into distinct periods based on electricity demand and generation costs. These periods typically include peak, off-peak, and shoulder hours, each associated with different pricing tiers.

Consumers enrolled in SCE TOU rates are encouraged to shift their energy usage away from peak hours towards off-peak and shoulder periods to take advantage of lower rates. This incentivizes behaviors such as running appliances, charging electric vehicles, and performing energy-intensive tasks during off-peak times, thereby reducing overall electricity demand during the period.

Factors such as seasonality and day of the week also influence SCE TOU rates, with prices typically higher during summer months and on weekdays when demand tends to be higher.

Benefits of Switching to SCE TOU Rates

Reduced Strain on Infrastructure

By spreading out energy consumption more evenly throughout the day, TOU rates alleviate stress on critical grid infrastructure, such as transformers, substations, and distribution lines.

This can help prevent equipment failures and minimize the risk of blackouts or brownouts.

Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of switching to SCE TOU rates is the potential for significant cost savings.

By shifting energy usage away from peak hours when electricity prices are highest and towards off-peak periods with lower rates, you can effectively lower your monthly electricity bills.

It encourages you to optimize your energy consumption, ultimately leading to reduced expenses for your household.

Flexibility and Control

By offering different pricing tiers throughout the day, SCE TOU rates provide you with greater flexibility and control over your energy usage patterns. You have the freedom to adjust your activities to take advantage of cheaper electricity during off-peak hours.

This flexibility enables you to tailor your energy consumption habits according to your lifestyle and preferences, empowering you to make choices that align with your budget and environmental goals.

Environmental Impact

Transitioning to SCE TOU rates also has positive environmental implications.

By encouraging homeowners to shift their energy usage to times when renewable energy sources are more abundant and cheaper to produce, TOU rates promote the integration of clean energy into the grid.

Reduced electricity demand during peak hours can help alleviate strain on the electrical grid and minimize the need for fossil fuel-based power generation, leading to lower carbon emissions and environmental conservation.


How to Evaluate if SCE TOU Rates are Right for You

There are steps you can follow to evaluate.

Understanding TOU Rate Structure

Before evaluating whether SCE TOU rates are right for you, it's essential to understand how these rates work.

Familiarize yourself with the different pricing tiers, including peak, off-peak, and shoulder periods, as well as the corresponding electricity rates.

Gain insights into how your current energy usage patterns align with these rate structures to assess potential cost implications.

Analyzing Consumption Habits

Evaluate your energy consumption habits to determine how they align with SCE TOU rate schedules.

Consider factors such as the timing and intensity of your electricity usage, including peak hours when rates are highest, and off-peak periods when rates are lower.

Assess whether you have flexibility in adjusting your energy-intensive activities to take advantage of cheaper rates during off-peak hours.

Calculating Potential Savings

Use online tools or consult with SCE to estimate potential cost savings associated with switching to TOU rates based on your historical energy usage data.

Compare projected bills under TOU rates with your current flat-rate billing to assess the financial implications of transitioning.

Factor in any applicable incentives or rebates offered by SCE to further enhance potential savings.

Seeking Expert Advice

If still uncertain about whether SCE TOU rates are suitable for your circumstances, consider seeking advice from energy experts or financial advisors.

Discuss your specific energy consumption patterns, lifestyle preferences, and financial goals to obtain personalized recommendations and insights into the potential benefits and trade-offs of switching to TOU rates.

utility meter

Comparing Different SCE TOU Rate Plans

SCE offers several TOU rate plans, including TOU-D-4-9 PM, TOU-D-5-8 PM, and TOU-D-Prime, each with distinct pricing structures and peak hours.

TOU-D-4-9 PM

TOU-D-4-9 PM is a TOU rate plan where peak hours occur from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

During these peak hours, electricity rates are typically higher to reflect increased demand and generation costs.

This plan is suitable for individuals or businesses with the flexibility to adjust energy-intensive activities to off-peak hours, thereby potentially reducing overall electricity costs.

TOU-D-5-8 PM

Similar to TOU-D-4-9 PM, the TOU-D-5-8 PM plan has peak hours occurring from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

With a slightly narrower peak window, you should evaluate your energy consumption patterns during the specified peak hours and assess your ability to shift usage to off-peak times to maximize potential savings.


Unlike the previous plans, TOU-D-Prime may have variable peak hours depending on seasonal and grid conditions, making it a more dynamic option.

This plan offers greater flexibility in adjusting energy usage patterns to align with changing peak periods, potentially allowing you to optimize cost savings throughout the year.

energy bills

Transitioning to SCE TOU Rates: What to Expect

Changes in Billing Structure

One of the primary expectations when transitioning to SCE TOU rates is a shift in the billing structure.

Unlike traditional flat-rate billing, where you pay a fixed price per unit of electricity regardless of when it is used, TOU rates introduce dynamic pricing based on the time of day and season.

You can expect to see variations in your monthly electricity bills depending on your energy usage patterns during peak, off-peak, and shoulder periods.

Adjustments in Energy Consumption Habits

Transitioning to SCE TOU rates often requires adjustments in energy consumption habits to maximize potential savings.

You may need to become more mindful of when you use electricity-intensive appliances and devices, such as washing machines, clothes dryers, and EV charging, to take advantage of lower rates during off-peak hours.

This may involve shifting energy-intensive activities to off-peak times or implementing energy-saving strategies to reduce overall electricity usage during peak periods.

Potential Cost-Saving Opportunities

Despite the initial adjustment period, transitioning to SCE TOU rates presents potential cost-saving opportunities for you if you actively manage your energy usage.

By strategically shifting energy consumption away from peak hours when electricity rates are highest and towards off-peak periods with lower rates, you can reduce their overall electricity bills.

Additionally, SCE may offer incentives or rebates to encourage participation in TOU rate plans, further enhancing potential savings.

house loads

Maximizing Savings and Energy Efficiency with SCE TOU Rates

To effectively maximize savings with SCE TOU rates, it's essential to understand the dynamic pricing structure and the factors influencing electricity costs throughout the day.

Implementing Energy-Saving Practices

Adopting energy-saving practices is crucial for improving energy efficiency and maximizing savings under SCE TOU rates.

This may include simple measures such as adjusting thermostat settings, using energy-efficient appliances, and unplugging electronics when not in use.

Additionally, you can leverage smart technologies such as programmable thermostats, smart plugs, and energy monitoring systems to automate energy-saving behaviors and optimize consumption patterns.

Time-Shifting Energy Usage

One of the most effective strategies for maximizing savings with SCE TOU rates is time-shifting energy usage to align with off-peak hours.

You can schedule energy-intensive activities such as laundry, dishwashing, and charging electric vehicles during off-peak periods when electricity rates are lower.

By spreading out energy usage throughout the day and avoiding peak hours, you can reduce your exposure to higher-priced electricity and optimize your savings.

Monitoring and Adjusting Consumption Habits

Regularly monitoring energy usage and adjusting consumption habits based on TOU rate schedules is essential for maximizing savings over time.

You can track your electricity usage using online tools or smart meters provided by SCE to identify trends, set energy-saving goals, and make informed decisions about when to use electricity.

By staying proactive and responsive to changes in rate schedules, you can adapt your behavior to maximize savings and promote energy efficiency.


Utilizing Solar and Storage with TOU Rates

Incorporating solar energy generation and storage systems is a key way of increasing homeowner benefits from TOU rate plans, increasing the opportunity to maximize savings, increase energy independence, and reduce their environmental impact.

Harnessing Solar Energy

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems enable you to generate clean, renewable electricity from sunlight, reducing reliance on traditional grid-supplied power.

By installing solar panels on rooftops or in other suitable locations, you can harness the sun's energy to offset electricity consumption from the grid, particularly during daylight hours when solar generation is most abundant.

This helps to lower overall electricity bills and mitigate the impact of peak-hour pricing under TOU rate plans.

Increasing Solar ROI

Integrating energy storage systems, such as batteries, with solar PV installations allows you to capture and store excess energy generated during periods of sufficient sunshine.

This stored energy can then be utilized during times of peak demand or when solar generation is unavailable, effectively smoothing out consumption patterns and reducing reliance on grid-supplied electricity during peak-rate periods.

Energy storage enhances the value proposition of solar energy by providing greater flexibility and resilience in managing energy usage under TOU rate structures.

Optimizing Consumption and Savings

Combining solar energy generation and storage with TOU rate plans offers you the opportunity to optimize your energy consumption patterns and maximize savings.

By strategically utilizing stored solar energy during peak-rate periods and relying on grid-supplied electricity when rates are lower, you can minimize your exposure to high-priced electricity and capitalize on cost-effective energy alternatives.

This proactive approach to energy management empowers you to take control of your electricity costs while promoting the sustainability of the environment.

Considerations and Benefits

While utilizing solar and storage with TOU rates offers numerous benefits, there are considerations to keep in mind.

Factors such as system cost, available incentives, energy usage patterns, and local regulations may impact the feasibility and ROI of solar and storage installations.

SCE provides a Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) to homeowners with PV and battery storage. The general market will get a 25% cost savings by participating in this program.

It is encouraged to conduct thorough research, seek expert guidance, and evaluate your specific circumstances to determine the optimal solution for your energy needs.

home energy storage

FranklinWH Energy Management & Solar Storage

FranklinWH energy management system with energy storage is an optimized home energy solution that fully supports the TOU plans.

Integrating solar, battery storage, grid, and generator, the FranklinWH system can manage multiple energy sources automatically to increase home energy efficiency and reduce energy bills.

Through the FranklinWH App, you can set a custom period for peak hours under the TOU mode, and the system will charge the battery during off-peak hours and power the home during peak hours. Offset peak hour rates will greatly save you energy bills.

In the FranklinWH App, you can also monitor your home energy generation and consumption in real time so that you gain a clear understanding of your home energy status and consumption habits.

Interested in knowing more about the FranklinWH energy system? Book a free consultation with one of our energy experts to know more details.

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Final Thoughts

SCE TOU rates represent a forward-thinking approach to energy billing that aims to promote efficiency, reduce costs, and mitigate strain on the electrical grid.

By incentivizing consumers to adjust their energy consumption patterns, TOU rates play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

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1. How can I monitor my daily electricity usage under SCE TOU Rates?

You can monitor your daily electricity usage under SCE TOU Rates by accessing your online account through SCE's website or mobile app. These platforms provide tools and features that allow you to track your energy consumption in real-time, view historical usage data, and analyze patterns to optimize your usage habits and maximize savings.

Additionally, smart meters installed by SCE offer insights into your daily electricity usage, helping you make informed decisions about when to use energy to align with TOU rate schedules.

2. Are there incentives available for customers who switch to SCE TOU Rates?

Yes, SCE offers incentives for customers who switch to TOU rates. These incentives may include bill credits, rebates, or special offers designed to encourage participation in TOU rate plans.

Additionally, SCE provides resources and tools to help customers understand the benefits of TOU rates and how to maximize savings through energy conservation and efficient usage.

3. What happens if I miss a peak hour window under SCE TOU Rates?

If you miss a peak hour window under SCE TOU Rates, you will simply be charged at the regular rate for the electricity you consume during that time. It's important to be mindful of peak hours to optimize savings, but missing a window occasionally won't result in penalties or additional fees.

4. Can solar panel owners benefit from SCE TOU Rates?

Yes. Solar panel owners can offset their reliance on grid-supplied power by generating electricity during daylight hours, particularly during peak-rate periods.

This allows them to maximize savings by avoiding higher electricity rates during peak hours and potentially even earn credits for excess energy sent back to the grid through net metering programs.

5. Is there a penalty for switching back to a traditional rate plan after trying out SCE TOU Rates?

No, there is typically no penalty for switching back to a traditional rate plan after trying out SCE TOU Rates. You have the flexibility to switch between rate plans as needed without incurring penalties.

However, it's essential to review any terms or conditions associated with the specific rate plan or contract to confirm the details regarding switching options.

6. How do extreme weather conditions affect electricity costs under SCE TOU Rates?

Extreme weather conditions can impact electricity costs under SCE TOU Rates by influencing supply and demand dynamics. During periods of extreme heat or cold, electricity demand may spike as consumers increase usage for heating or cooling purposes, potentially leading to higher prices during peak-rate periods.

Additionally, extreme weather events such as storms or wildfires can disrupt power generation and transmission, affecting supply and potentially impacting electricity costs.

7. Are there any tools or resources provided by SCE to help customers under TOU Rates?

Yes, there are various tools and resources to help you under TOU rates. These include online account portals and mobile apps that offer features such as real-time energy usage tracking, historical data analysis, personalized energy-saving tips, and rate comparison tools.

Additionally, SCE may offer energy efficiency programs, educational materials, and customer support to assist you in understanding and optimizing your energy usage under TOU rates.

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